Repeating section


Properties available for configuring Repeating Sections

Repeat count

Specify how many times the controls in the repeating section should be repeated.

Show label rule

Specify if labels should be shown for fields in the first repeated row or all rows.

Has divider

Specifies if there should be a divider between each row in the repeating section.

Has row number

Specifies if the row number for the current row in the repeating section should be shown.

Divider HTML

The HTML divider rendered between each row in a repeating section.

Repeating row container in-line style

Defines the in-line style for the repeating row container.

Repeating row container class name

Defines the class name for the repeating row container.

Highlight row on hover

Define whether a repeating row should be highlighted on hover.

Highlight row on select

Define whether a repeating row should be highlighted on select.

Scrollable container

Can be used to create a fixed-size, scrollable repeating section.

Scrollable container height

Defines the height of the scrollable container.

Scrollable container width

Defines the width of the scrollable container.

Scrollable container in-line style

Defines the in-line style of the scrollable container.

Scrollable container class name

Defines the class name of the scrollable container.

Has active row selector

Defines if an icon should be shown to indicate to active repeating row.

Active row icon

Defines the icon shown for the active repeating row.

Has 'Add Row' button

Defines if the repeating section should have an 'Add Row' button.

Has 'Delete Row' button

Defines if the repeating section should have an 'Delete Row' button.

'Add Row' icon

The icon shown for the 'Add Row' button.

'Delete Row' icon

The icon shown for the 'Delete Row' button.

'Add Row' bubble help

The bubble help shown for the 'Add Row' button.

'Delete Row' bubble help

The bubble help shown for the 'Delete Row' button.

Validation - row option

Defines the row validation behavior for the repeating section.

Validation - field option

Defines the field validation behavior for the repeating section.

Delete row prompt

The confirmation message displayed when the user deletes a dirty row in the repeating section.

Delete row dialog title

The title for the confirmation message box that appears when the user deletes a dirty row in a repeating section.

Delete row dialog icon

The icon shown for the message box displayed when the user deletes a dirty row in a repeating section.

Repeating sections allow you to create a component that looks a lot like an invoice with a relatively small amount of effort. The Form View control can also be used to create master detail forms.

Repeating sections can be created by wrapping data controls inside a RepeatingSection container. In addition to the properties pages shown here, the RepeatingSection page also contains guides on building features into repeating sections.

See Also